“后乡村城镇化”与乡村振兴 Post-Rural Urbanization and Rural Revitalization:
当代德国乡村规划探索及对中国的启示 Can China Learn from New Planning Approaches in Contemporary Germany?
(Abstract, ENG)
Drawing on the concept of extended urbanization, this article proposes a research approach to post-rural urbanization to capture contemporary development dynamics in formerly rural areas of Germany and China. Based on an analysis of socio-spatial practices in (post-)rural Thuringia, the article discusses the transferability of ‘bottom-up‘ planning approaches to China’s ‘top-down’ planning system. In doing so, the article seeks to explore the possibilities and challenges of fostering co-production in the new era of China’s rural revitalization.
Journal article
Huang Huang, Yang Guiqing, Philipp Misselwitz
Standard Chinese
City Planning Review, #11
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