
Zwischen Entfremdung und Resonanz:


Anmerkungen zur Grundlage kooperativer Formen rurbaner Landschaftsentwicklung am Beispiel der alpinen Region Vallagarina

(Abstract, ENG)

Our individual and collective perception of our built environment is socially constructed, shaping how we interact with, plan, and design it. This book chapter (in German) explores how, amid extensive globalisation and the resulting commodification and urbanisation of rural areas, we are becoming increasingly disconnected and alienated from our environments. Using examples of numerous small-scale initiatives in the Italian Alpine region of Vallagarina, the chapter presents tangible alternatives that experiment with cooperative, community-oriented, and radically ecological forms of living. Drawing on the concept of ‘community economies’, the contribution further advocates for a new socio-ecological model of thought and action that, through the experience of deep resonance with our more-than-human world, forms a foundation for an ethically responsible design and governance of ‘rurban’ landscapes in the face of the global climate crisis.

Book chapter
Rurbane Landschaften. Perspektiven des Ruralen in einer urbanisierten Welt
Sigrun Langner, Maria Frölich-Kulik
Sigrun Langner