- (Date)21 November 2024(Place)
Milton Keynes (UK), The Open University
(Title)Governing global China’s green technology frontiers: Insights from Eastern Germany
(Event)Global China Seminar Series, organized by REDEFINE research project - (Date)13 September 2024(Place)
Halle (DE), Prisma Kino Halle-Neustadt
(Title)Zukunftsweisende Energieregion oder ewige Energiekolonie? Zur Rolle Ostdeutschlands in der Europäischen Energiewende
(Event)Symposium, Halle-Neustadt als Prisma der Transformation? Paradigmen und Realitäten der Transformationsgesellschaft(Link)https://wohn-komplex.de/ - (Date)29 June 2023(Place)
Reading (UK), University of Reading
(Title)Global China and the (re-)making of Europe’s ‘inner peripheries’ – The local effects and agencies of Chinese infrastructure investment in the EU’s green transition
(Event)Panel co-chair (with Maggi W.H. Leung, University of Amsterdam) at DSA 2023 Annual Conference, Crisis in the Anthropocene: Rethinking connection and agency for development - (Date)8 June 2023(Place)
Ljubljana (SI), Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
(Title)Chinese Investment in the EU’s Green Transition and Emerging Agency of Host State Actors
(Event)CHERN Workshop: "Global China from the ground-up" - (Date)9 May 2023(Place)
Amsterdam (NL), University of Amsterdam
(Title)The Spatial Politics of Global Interdependencies: Large-scale Chinese Infrastructure Investment and Small-Town Development in Eastern Germany
(Event)Workshop of the Research Group "Governance and Inclusive Development (GID)" - (Date)1 November 2022(Place)
Toronto (CA), York University
(Title)Same Same But Different: Chinese Large-Scale Infrastructure Investments and The (Re-)Making of Peripheral Centralities in Eastern Germany
(Event)Urban Studies Foundation, Seminar Series: Peripheral Centralities: Present and Future - (Date)28 May 2021(Place)
Cottbus (DE), Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg
(Title)Kleinstadtentwicklung im globalen Gefüge chinesischer Direktinvestitionen (FDIs): Das Fallbeispiel Arnstadt in Südthüringen
(Event)HCKF Symposium: "Klein(e) Stadt ganz groß?“ - (Date)23 September 2020(Place)
Berlin (DE), ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory
(Title)Integrated Urban-Rural Planning and Governance: A Global Perspective
(Event)International Urban-Rural Assembly (URA) Conference, hybrid - (Date)28 September 2019(Place)
Apolda (DE), Eiermannbau
(Title)Everyday Utopias: Kooperative Zukunftsgestaltung im Thüringer Wald
(Event)Tagung der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg und Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: "Die Zukunft auf dem Land" - (Date)4 March 2019(Place)
Manchester (UK), The University of Manchester
(Title)Post-Rural Urbanities: A Comparative Study of (Innovative) Socio-Spatial Practices in Urbanized Hinterlands of Germany and China
(Event)Workshop by the Manchester Urban Institute: Planetary Urbanization and Architectural Research - (Date)23 February 2018(Place)
Kiel (DE), Christian-Albrechts-Universität
(Title)Urban-Rural Assembly: Erweiterte Urbanisierungsprozesse und kooperative Formen post-ruraler Entwicklung
(Event)ARL Jahrestagung des AK Ländlicher Raum: „Konstruieren, Analysieren, Gestalten: Ländliche Räume zwischen Theorie, Empirie und Praxis“ - (Date)30 June 2017(Place)
Weimar (DE), Bauhaus-Universität
(Title)Kooperative Formen post-ruraler (Re)Organisation: Zur Zukunft der alpinen Region Vallagarina im Kontext globaler Urbanisierungsprozesse
(Event)Symposium: "Rurbane Landschaften – Perspektiven des Ruralen in einer urbanisierten Welt" - (Date)12 November 2015(Place)
Shanghai (CN), Tongji University
(Title)Governing Post-Rural Urbanization: Pitfalls and Learnings from Germany
(Event)Sino-German Conference on Sustainable Rural Development - (Date)13 October 2015(Place)
Lausanne (CH), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
(Title)The Role of Self-Organisation in Territorial Development
(Event)International Seminar Series: “The Horizontal Metropolis: a radical project"(Link)/ - (Date)24 August 2015(Place)
Prague (CZ), Czech Technical University
(Title)Post-Ruralism? Towards a new understanding of ‚peripheral‘ urbanisation processes and emerging socio-spatial practices in marginalised regions of Eastern Germany
(Event)ARL International Summer School: "Winners and losers: Why are the effects of regional policy so different?" - (Date)12 June 2015(Place)
Essen (DE), Zeche Zollverein
(Title)Re-thinking sub-regional identities through self-organisation: Cases from post-rural Thuringia
(Event)International Conference: "Polycentric City Regions in Transformation“