Re:Form Eden.
Neue Denk- und Handlungsräume
The Eden community, located near Oranienburg north of Berlin, is the last remaining settlement of the early 20th-century ‘Lebensreform’ movement. Today, more than 125 years after its founding, its reformist ideals around nutrition, ecology, and economy are being newly explored. Based on a design studio with architecture students from TU Berlin, this article (in German) reflects on how the movement’s values can be reinterpreted in the 21st century. It highlights the importance of a process-oriented approach that was tested throughout the semester. Through collaborative construction workshops and regular gatherings in a newly established agora, students and residents, alongside invited experts, reinvigorated discussions on the past, present, and future of communal living within the Eden community. Drawing from these experiences, the article ultimately argues for the potential of small-scale interventions as catalysts for creating new spaces for thought and action that may lead to a reinterpretation of Eden’s core values.
(more Publications)
From Future Anticipation to Deep-time Thinking
2024,Podcast interview